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Immune System Harmony

Your immune system is the most important part of your body when it comes to staying healthy and fighting off disease and illness. It works by detecting harmful pathogens and viruses and protecting your body against them. When your immune system is not running properly, the body becomes more susceptible to illness. Traditional Chinese Medicine states that when a person’s energies are not in balance, the body’s natural energy flow experiences disturbances resulting in illness. Acupuncture addresses the body as a whole, and can be used to bring the body back to its normal balance, which results in a healthy immune system.

Different Energy Channels Have Different Roles in Immune Health

Immune System Harmony, Columbus Acupuncture LLC in Columbus, IN

Acupuncture can help boost the immune system through specific acupuncture points on the body based on the meridian system. The meridian system is the path through which Qi flows. When the body is not in its best health, there may be a stagnation in Qi. Acupuncture works by releasing these blockages to return the body back to balance and its best immune health.


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